This week is a big week: it’s ANTI-PROCRASTO WEEK. My workload lightens up a bit this week so I’m setting myself some tasks to take care of, the stuff that gets pushed back when I’m being paid to draw talking penises or animate moustache demons. — 1. Precinct scripts We now have three scripts at…
Lately I’ve been hearing two concepts that disturb me. They’re related. One is that artists in the very exciting 21st century need to “engage”* with their audiences using various Web 2.0 methodologies and mass marketing principles. It’s not enough to make something, you have to Facebook it. You have to expose yourself. The other thing,…
Talented Bastards Who Should Be Shot
Episode one in a series highlighting shitheels with skills far beyond mine. Today: Scott Vandenbosch. Check out his beautiful artwork, and tell him, from me, to go to hell. PS: I changed the look of this blog to something much sexier and Precinct-appropriate. And now that I’m running WordPress 2.8, it has widgets and a…
“Beggar hand”
I’m animating freelance on one episode of an animated TV series. The way this works is that I receive an allocation of shots to animate, and refer to the storyboards for a guide as to how I go about it. The board artist on this episode is lazy. The drawings are good (very good! better…
“The Precinct? Next week.”
The title references my interior monologue when I consider what I should post about. I’ve been putting off talking much about the show because there’s always lots of small developments happening but rarely anything real big and awesome to talk about. You can imagine it’s got to be tougher than ever to get an animated…
Me, on the radio
As I’m featured in the very nice Superheroes & Schlemiels exhibition currently at the Jewish Museum here in Melbourne, they’ve kindly given me the opportunity to appear on ABC 774 this Sunday with the Museum’s Helen Light to talk about… comic books and Jews, probably. We’ll be on around 10:30am, speaking with Alan Brough, which…