Here’s the current version of my Farnsy-themed animatic! [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”512″ height=”288″ allowfullscreen=”true” /] –=0.0.0=– I (and our growing team) just spent a few weeks working on an application to Film Victoria‘s Digital Media Prototyping fund. It’s 80 pages long. You could injure someone with it if you swung it at their head. I would…
Tear it up
On Wednesday night our MEGA session was about “Financial Feasibility”. In other words, we’d spent a couple months chucking ideas around in a friendly playpen, and our fearless leader Justin felt the need to dampen our enthusiasm by dropping some people with market experience on us. One was the afore-pictured (is that a word?) Brendan…
Rooms full of people with big brains
Going along to these MEGA sessions and listening to the smart people talk about interesting things reminds me of two other slightly similar gatherings. One I’ve actually been to, and one I’ve just seen bits of on the web. The one I’ve seen bits of on the web is called TED. Rebecca Clements put me…
No, really, I’m a writer
My day job at the moment is animating on the second series of Dogstar! The same trailer, in Japanese: I worked on the original series a few years back. As Australian kids TV goes, it’s pretty shit-hot (this means “good”). So Michael V (my deskmate) and I would amuse ourselves by coming up with ideas…
MEGA sessions 3 & 4: market analysis
In the last two MEGA sessions we’ve been spoken to by some industry professionals in of the mobile/online “space” (this is the word ICT people use, and who am I to do different) about what the market’s currently like for mobile phone/devices and related services, where money comes from for the development of these, and…
The Precinct: live on stage
A couple weeks ago we put on what we called a “VERY SPECIAL THEATRICAL EVENT” for a small audience at Glitch. What this turned out to be was a live reading of one of our Precinct scripts — “Episode 6: Last Drinks”, otherwise known as “the ’80s flashback episode”, in which a young Sarge, Sandhurst…