Woody The Producer and I have been accepted into the MEGA program. This is how they (eloquently) describe themselves: MEGA is an Entrepreneurship Masterclass series which takes participants from the mobile, digital content and ICT industries through an industry-driven development program to build their creative, technical and business skills for the development of new products…
Do our survey, please
I’m encouraging you to do our Precinct survey if you haven’t already. Here are some of my favourite responses so far: Give us an amusing fake name, or your real name if you can’t think of one: Omar NcNulty dicks mcbutt the 58th Zac E. Porn What TV show do you scramble to avoid? Any…
Precinct ep 06: Blam!
I stopped working on the animatic for the John Farnham episode because I’m doing something special this weekend: myself, Adam and two of our Precinct voice-maestros, Thomas Pullar and Adrian Calear, are going to perform a reading of the episode 6 script for a select audience at a secret location. SO MYSTERIOUS We’ll be assisted…
Precinct ep 00b: Eras of Ackersley
As with Farnham, in the new Precinct cartoon we’ll be seeing Ackersley at different points from 1986 thru today. I think ’93 Ackersley is my favourite. More animatic done now: [kml_flashembed movie=”https://nakedfella.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/0b-Playing-to-Win.swf” width=”512″ height=”288″ allowfullscreen=”true” /] Please go to the Precinct site and try out our Cop Action Survey. We need some info about what…
Precinct ep. 00b: Eras of Farnham
For the upcoming Precinct animation: obviously “You’re the Voice” Farnham is familiar, but here’s sketches for some later era Farnhams. Click for a larger version. Many of them will appear in this cartoon: basically he’ll be changing costume for every shot. Pain in the arse, as it means more character builds. But we’ll be using…
Production begins on The Precinct, episode 00b: “Playing To Win”
YES! So, as I mentioned previously, I’m starting up a new Precinct short animation, the goals of which are: to give viewers a bit more of the story we’re dealing with in the series to reveal a bit more about Det. Ackersley’s personality to show lots more ACTION and fast cutting to shamelessly wallow in…