The full Precinct series, as currently envisioned, is thirteen 11 minute episodes. These thirteen episodes have been plotted but now need to actually be written. This is what Adam and I have been doing for a while. We have drafts of Episode 1 (“End Game”) and Episode 6 (“Last Drinks”) and are working on Episode…
Category: Collaboration
A little more about MIPCOM why not?
I’m currently in Toronto, the city with many nicknames. They call it T.O. They call it T-Dawg. They call it T-Ball. I just call it “the city with delicious hot dogs on every street corner”, and bless them for that. Would probably be better to wait til I can get some pics up or whatever,…
What’s happening with The Precinct?
Things are happening. Woody The Producer and I applied for, and received, a travel grant from Film Victoria. This means that he and The Precinct are going to an event called MIPTV in Cannes, France. MIPTV is a big-arse television market. International distributors and networks go there every year to check out which programs they…
Comic Book Funny, episode #1
Time for the first “official” episode of with BEN HUTCHINGS AND DAVID BLUMENSTEIN Episode #1: Have A Big Wank! Ben and David inaugurate their possibly ongoing podcast. Featuring an exclusive interview with Stan Lee, talk about getting your comics out to an audience, news about how comics are invading the Melbourne International Comedy Festival…
Recording Session 04, Aliens, Rejection
March 1 we had a very nice Precinct recording session in which Thomas, Kynan and Anna Grace returned to record some lines I’d missed, some new ones and, primarily, to rerecord some stuff in a slightly more “cinema verite” fashion. Method actors Thomas and Kynan agreed to run on the spot for a good couple…