A colleague had to pike so I got to pop along to the second day of the Service Design conference run last week by UX Australia. Only caught the morning sessions (had to get back to work) but what I saw was very good. Here’s my sketchnotes.
The grandfathered list
A secret list protects 1500 Australian companies from having to disclose any tax information to regulators. If you own a company on this list, you get complete tax secrecy. I read Heath Aston in the SMH on this last week; he says as a result, there’s an underground economy in buying and selling these valuable…
Gay Marriage: From Abbott to The Veronicas and all the extremes in between
A “Q&T” graphic advice column by my little brother Tristian, originally published at Daily Review back in 2015!
Sydney launch of #takedown
I’m launching my book #takedown at Books Kinokuniya in Sydney! Come along if you can! Kino’s FB event page for it. More importantly, Kino would really love you to RSVP if you’re coming by either phone: 02 9262 7996, email: promotions-aus@kinokuniya.com, or via Eventbrite here. Not only are we launching at my favourite bookshop in…
Tristian: What Is Google Deep Dream?
My little brother Tristian’s Daily Review column explained Google’s Deep Dream software. Warning: the final image is hideous.
Tristian: Why do Liberals hate the ABC?
My little brother Tristian has a regular weekly column at Crikey’s Daily Review! This was his first piece.