I occasionally write a comics/animation-related column for the website artshub.com.au (subscription-based). If you subscribe you can read my latest column there. If not, I might put it on the site at some point. Instead I’ll show you some art I’m working up for an exhibition I’m in soon. They’re action movie video covers with a…
Comic Book Funny, episode #0
Finally, a comics podcast! What a novel idea. with BEN HUTCHINGS AND DAVID BLUMENSTEIN Episode #0: Remains Of The Day http://www.nakedfella.com/radio/comics_episode00.mp3 TOPICS OF CONVERSATION In this episode #0 (in the comics tradition, it doesn’t have to be so great because it’s our “zero issue”): we introduce ourselves for a bit too long discuss why some…
Meet Many More Characters.
I can’t be bothered doing individual posts for each character at the moment, so check out the new character lineup (link opens in a new window) and let’s learn about a few of your soon-to-be-favourite TV cops: BEN MARTINEZ Martinez is a greenhorn who has no idea what The Precinct is, why it exists, and…
Six months later…
… he updates his blog again. Since I last posted, I’ve finished a lot of things, notably The Bedroom Philosopher‘s music video. The Happiest Boy was done in September and has aired on Rage and Channel V. See it here. Nakedfella Comics #9 is my brand new 56-page comic book, self-published as always. Launched at…
Ackersley vs dead eyes
This is the first in a series of posts describing the characters in The Precinct and their relation to the story of what I’m optimistically calling “The Precinct: Season One”. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.nakedfella.com/animation/theprecinct/ackersley2.swf” width=”360″ height=”240″/] Ackersley is the guy you’ve been seeing in the animation tests and most of the sketches I’ve been posting. This is…
My Day Job
Animation feels more like a “night job” to me since I spend so many nights working on it, but in the last few years I’ve been lucky enough to have made most of my income by animating, for hire and otherwise (this does not necessarily mean a large income). Here are some projects I have…