Last year I posted about an awesome artist, Scott Vandenbosch, under the banner of Talented Bastards Who Should Be Shot for being just, generally, better at what they do than I am. Just ’cause I feel like it, here’s another of the many cool people who are good enough to warrant a bullet, were I…
Category: Uncategorized
Bret Braddock’s Awkward Launch
About a month ago, we held an event called Bret Braddock’s Awkward Workplace Function as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. In case you don’t know, I do a (mostly) weekly comic strip over at Docklands Entertainment about Bret Braddock, a fictional entrepreneur who wishes to make quality children’s TV programming, and has absolutely no…
John Howard’s Knees: design redux
Been having more thoughts about the look and style of John Howard’s Knees (a cartoon I’m making about the former PM and his smashable knees). I quite like this version of him, as far as the balance between cartoon character and actual resemblance goes, but the style feels like a rip-off of something, not sure…
The Precinct — SBS submission
Finally, some Precinct work again! I’m putting together a new submission to SBS for The Precinct. We’ve actually submitted The Precinct to SBS twice before, but those proposed different show formats and lengths, and we’ve developed our ideas a lot more since then, especially thanks to our being funded to work on cross-platform strategy by…
Girl Mechanic
I was going through some old art and I found this piece, which I did as part of some Film Vic-funded development in 2008. I still like it! It’s for a series idea called Girl Mechanic, conceived by my very talented friend Katrina Mathers. It’s a series of toons teaching women the basics of car…