This week is a big week: it’s ANTI-PROCRASTO WEEK. My workload lightens up a bit this week so I’m setting myself some tasks to take care of, the stuff that gets pushed back when I’m being paid to draw talking penises or animate moustache demons. — 1. Precinct scripts We now have three scripts at…
Category: The Precinct
“The Precinct? Next week.”
The title references my interior monologue when I consider what I should post about. I’ve been putting off talking much about the show because there’s always lots of small developments happening but rarely anything real big and awesome to talk about. You can imagine it’s got to be tougher than ever to get an animated…
Cross-platform pizzapie
Like I said a couple posts ago, we’re working on a “cross-platform strategy” for The Precinct. We’ve gotten a little grant from Film Victoria which is paying for us to meet with my friends at Eskimo Productions, throw around some ideas (i.e. the choose-your-own-adventure stuff I talked about before) and put them down in a…
Cop movie reviewhaus
Here are capsule reviews of ten great/terrible/noteworthy cop movies I’ve watched/had on in the background lately, with helpful guides to which Character Actors You Love (But Can’t Name) are in them. Apologies for vagueness, I mostly have these on in the background while I’m working and may have missed some of the awesome (or some…
“Nu?” Media
The current Precinct news is that we’re going to be sitting down to create a “cross-platform strategy” for the series — a report on how we’d integrate “new media” elements into the show (a tie-in website? games? stuff you can interact with via your mobile device?). This is going to be very interesting because most…
Take me to the pilot
Happy new year! Happy Oshtraya Day! I realised I’ve been lucky enough to work on a lot of animated TV pilots lately, so I thought I’d write a bit about how they’ve worked and what happened with them. When I don’t name names it’s because the work isn’t out in public yet and confidentiality applies….