Check out this great Media Studies report my little brother did on the Kevin Rudd/Andrew Bolt interview from the other day!
Author: David
BE A MAN: Precinct colour palettes
Not to make a big deal of it, but I’m designing the rooms in The Precinct so that they get bluer and colder the further back into the building you go. The women’s bathroom sits outside that because it was more recently renovated.
“How cheap can you make it?” – why I’m making a TV series, but not for TV
For years I asked myself why Australia hasn’t had its own animated series for adults. Now I know that it’s my own fault! “Pretty cheap!” Last year I went to a launch event put on by our state film funding body and SBS, Australia’s multicultural government TV network. At the drinks…
How to caricature, apparently
Be A Man: animatic action
These images are from the storyboards I’ve been doing for my animated series, BE A MAN. Actually, they’re an awkward cross between storyboards and animatic frames. Storyboards should be clear and easy to read when printed on paper. These would be quite difficult to read because of the way I do my boards — I…