I’ve been mostly working on comics lately, so my animated project The Precinct has only occasionally peeped out for a sniff of air, but yesterday I went to a Film Victoria presentation by a group of SBS staff and took some pictorial notes.
Here they are, in case you’d like to learn what they’re up to over there (heavily flavoured by my own POV. Don’t assume anything is a direct quote unless it’s in “quotes”).
The general theme was, “We’ve had no money for a few years, but we have some now, so we’re going to do stuff with it”. Go SBS!
There were probably lots of big TV/film producers there, but since I don’t know who they are, I was very pleased to encounter the (just as big, but more animation-friendly) Ivan Dixon from Rubber House, Peter Viska and Kate Mills from Viskatoons and director “Tall” Paul Andersen.
OH! And here’s what you can expect from the Q&A at an event like this:
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