The full Precinct series, as currently envisioned, is thirteen 11 minute episodes. These thirteen episodes have been plotted but now need to actually be written. This is what Adam and I have been doing for a while.
We have drafts of Episode 1 (“End Game”) and Episode 6 (“Last Drinks”) and are working on Episode 2 (“The Rules”) and Episode 7 (“Sidewinder”).
Our writer’s meetings are informal. We spent much of our last one discussing Adam’s love life. Naturally, I want to work as much of this tale of woe into the show as possible.
The scripts feel funny but a bit long. I’m guessing they’ll change at the storyboard and dialogue record stages, when we come up with more visual or aural ways to say things, and when the actors improvise their own versions of the lines. And some bits will go just because we won’t find them necessary during the edit.
Also they won’t feel as long when we cut the episodes tightly.