I used one of those AI art platforms to generate trading cards of Australian footballers spitting. Pretty fun.
Drawing Work: opportunities for cartoonists, illustrators & comics-makers
Drawing work: opportunities for cartoonists, illustrators & comics-makers / avoiding poverty? / standing up for yourself and others This was a live online chat I ran in place of the aborted Australian Cartoonists Association conference. We talked about the Australia Council report Graphic Storytellers At Work with Gabriel Clark, learned more about the Media Entertainment…
When Cartoonists Near Their Sleep: some Leunigy fun
I can’t remember which of the maestro’s recent cartoons made me do this four-panel tribute. An anti-vax one? A misogynist one? Not important really. If I were going to do this properly I would have used pen on paper to best match his style. Couldn’t be bothered!
Up your nose: Visual communication and COVID-19
A design colleague working with kids in mandatory quarantine asked for suggestions as to ways to gamify the process of giving children coronavirus nasal swab tests, preferably using paper (as it’s disposable). This was my first thought. COVID-19 swabs for kids: an interaction from David Blumenstein on Vimeo. If you’d like to use it with…
COVID-19 visual explainer, March 26 2020
I created this to help explain the COVID-19 disease in my local area (Melbourne, Aus). It’s adapted from government health info (Department of Health, 16 Mar 2020). If you think it would help you, you’re welcome to use it; download A4, poster and socmed versions here. Medical knowledge and government policy on this disease changes…
Are you “design”?
How would you do useful design if you thought you were being seen as the “class antagonist” of the people you’re designing for?
That’s a question that comes up for me when I discuss design with normal people (to whom, it’s worth remembering, HCD and service design mean absolutely nothing).