I like drawing on beer mats, a.k.a. those disposable cardboard coasters you get in pubs. Always a bonus when you go to a pub and they have some beer mats there with BLANK BACKS! Some beer manufacturers get coasters made with their bullshit advertising on both sides. They are jerks (hello, jerks). They don’t understand…
Can you guess who these people are?
It’s another impromptu idiot project of mine!
A Message From A Queen Fan
As a big Queen fan, I was disappointed by their exciting new venture into social media marketing — a contest where they ask their fans to make them a music video. Here’s my entry/response.
Precinct short series pitch
This one’s done
Did some life drawing
Clothed. We took turns posing. Most of my drawings were super bad, but I don’t mind these: Now go look at the ones Adam did, including a frighteningly realistic one of me planking.