Hi! This is part 2 of my report on the Stanleys conference. Part 1 of this recap is here. I had some interesting conversations with people after I spoke; I’m sure Tim did too. They were intrigued by what we’re doing at Squishface, and often this led into conversations about the ACA, and what and…
Stanleys 2013: The Australian Cartoonists Association conference (part 1)
I went to the Stanleys again this year. The Stanleys are the conference/awards night of the Australian Cartoonists Association. I blogged about it the first time I went, in 2011. The ACA is a funny little club, and I’ve been asked why I’m involved with it. I’ve now been a member for three years and…
Rupert Murdoch Eats Dick
Budget Political Speakers Bureau
The Bolt Report!
Check out this great Media Studies report my little brother did on the Kevin Rudd/Andrew Bolt interview from the other day!